Hall of Famer Mike Ditka Plans Women’s Tackle Football League

Mike Ditka won one Super Bowl as a player with the Dallas Cowboys in 1972, another as an assistant coach with the Cowboys in 1978, and a third as head coach of the Chicago Bears in 1986. Now the Hall of Famer is turning his attention to women’s football, launching a new tackle football competition, the X League, that will kick-off its inaugural season next April.

The X League’s original eight teams will be based in Seattle, Los Angeles, Austin, Denver, Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha and Atlanta. According to a press release the league is planning to expand into 24 U.S. markets. 

“From an ownership and executive perspective, I want to provide women a high-profile platform to compete against the greatest female athletes in the world while creating a destination league for millions of girls to aspire to play in,” Ditka, the X League’s new chairman said in a statement.

The X League plans to be televised in the U.S. and international markets. Ditka is also hoping to launch women’s tackle football leagues in Europe, Australia and South America.

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